Saturday, April 10, 2010

Day: 2 Time: 17:50

My life as a superhero started off quietly today. I actually played the role of the 5th grade math teacher by working the gate at the middle school baseball game. It was pretty boring sitting there with nothing to do so I picked up trash - that takes powers, right?

But then, out of no where I spotted a family in distress. The dad was carrying the baby on his shoulders and carrying a folding chair; the mom was pushing the stroller with the diaper bag; and, grandma was carrying another chair plus her belongings. Mom was clearly stressed that dad had the baby on his shoulders and only holding him with one hand. My superpowers kicked in - I immediately rushed to the aid of the dad and took the chair from him. We all walked together to the baseball game until baby and family were secured. I then returned to my role as 5th grade math teacher working the gate at the middle school baseball game.

My work is done today, but if not, I am alert and ready!

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